
Brand Naming
Identity Planning
Brand Positioning
Brand Storytelling
Brand Voice & Vocabulary
Communications Planning
Logo Design
Typography & Color Designation
Visual Identity & Visual Guidelines
Visual Guidelines
Brand Imagery Development


Establish your identity and build your brand

Shape how your business is perceived with clear brand positioning. A clear and consistent approach to branding show’s you are taking your business and your customers seriously.

From deciding a brand name to developing detailed brand guidelines, we’re your partner in defining and articulating your business identity and the direction your business is heading.

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

If you are a new company, your brand name identifies and distinguishes your company. Let us help you find a great brand name and start something great.

People already have or will make associations relating to your brand. These associations represent what the brand stands for and imply a promise to customers from the organisation. Let’s make those associations clear and on front of mind when selecting a service or product.

Brand positioning is defined as the conceptual place you want to own in the target consumer’s mind — the benefits you want them to think of when they think of your brand. An effective brand positioning strategy will maximise customer relevancy and competitive distinctiveness in maximising brand value.

Increase your brand awareness with stories tailored for your audience.

It’s not only what is said but how something is said. The communications you send out should be consistent with the overall message your brand wants to transmit. We will build your verbal identity and produce verbal guidelines to match brands house style.

A communications plan is an essential tool for ensuring your organisation sends a clear and specific message to your audience, with measurable results. 

The logo defines your brand identity. A well-designed logo builds trust, and it tells potential clients who you are, what you do, and how that benefits them. A good logo can communicate to people with no prior knowledge or experience with your brand that you do excellent work. Let us help you design a great authentic logo.

Let our design team help you choose suitable colour palettes and typography for your new brand or brand re-design.

Visual identity is all of the imagery and graphical information that expresses your brand and differentiates your brand. Begin to build your visual identity with visual guidelines produced by experts.

Brand imagery is the tangible or intangible elements that consumers associate with a brand. It could be a package, an experience, a feeling, a taste, and so on. Brand imagery is visual, auditory, olfactory, or tactile.