Market Insights

Social Listening
Brand Sentiment Analysis
Competitive Audit
Consumer Journey Mapping
Customer Experience Mapping
Customer Segmentation
Persona Development
Stakeholder Interviews
User Research
Funnel Analysis

Find relevant, actionable and viable insights into your target market.

The digital world is full of tangible insights that can put you way ahead of the competition. We make sure you’re not missing out on any revenue opportunities and that you are maximising your market impact.

There is nothing so terrible as activity without insight."


Monitor your social media channels and receive ctionable insights about your audience and industry. You will learn more about your target audience and industry, discover potential leads, collaborators or potential brand ambassadors.

Discover how customers genuinely feel about your products, services, marketing campaigns, and more.

What makes your competitors so visible online? What are their weaknesses and strengths? Gather all the information you need to gain a competitive advantage and maximise your own results.

Step into your customer’s shoes to get a 360 perspective of your company. You will be surprised how much improvement can be made.

“Different strokes for different folks”. No two customers are the same – unless you’ve got your CRM setup incorrectly – so why not treat your customers more like individuals. Segmenting your audience is a way of drastically increasing the impact of your marketing activity and we are here to help.

Buyer personas reveal insights about your customers’ decisions—the specific attitudes, concerns and criteria that drive prospective customers to choose you, your competitor or the status quo.

Identify market trends relevant for you, either on a local, regional or global level. See trending innovation opportunities and how to capitalise on them.

Study your consumers, listen to their needs and pain points so you can improve their experiences.

Funnel analysis is a method of understanding the steps required to reach an outcome on a website and how many users get through each of those steps. We are experts at website development and we will set up your website in order to avoid pain points and optimise the users’ journey.